Winter Breakfast Bowl
Yield: 1 serving
In these nutrient-rich bowls, fruit provides the heft, so I aim for three types of fruit and use the yogurt as a binder, topping with granola for added crunch and flavor. Vary the fruit by season and according to what you enjoy.


  • 1/4 cup pomegranate arils (frozen work really well!)
  • 1/2 a persimmon, chopped (may substitute fresh or frozen blueberries)*
  • 1 banana, chopped
  • 1/3 cup yogurt of choice
  • 1/4 -1/3 cup granola
  • Extras and options: other berries of choice; chopped mango; pineapple; nuts and or seeds; flaked or shredded coconut; hemp, chia or flax seeds, etc.  


  1. Place the fruit in a cereal or other serving bowl. Top with the yogurt and stir. (You can eyeball the yogurt; you need just enough to bind the fruit.) Sprinkle the granola over top  along with optional toppings of choice.


*Fuyu persimmons are delicious. They are the beautifully orange and rounder and squatter in shape then the more elongated Hachiya variety. The former is deliciously sweet and best eaten when it’s tender to the touch but not mushy (much like a pear), while the latter is rather astringent tasting unless it’s so soft that it can be eaten like pudding.

*Frozen blueberries are a good standby as they maintain a good bit of flavor and pop once thawed. When using either frozen pomegranate arils or frozen blueberries, I place the desired amount in a bowl in the refrigerator - if I remember - the night before. If I haven’t thought ahead, I allow the frozen fruit to sit on the counter for a few minutes or zap it in the microwave ever so briefly. Better to be a bit icy as they will thaw quickly when mixed with the yogurt and other ingredients.

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