My favorite temperature range for roasting vegetables is 400°F to 450°F. I usually settle on 425°F, and the following time estimates are based on that temperature and bite-size (or roughly 1-inch) pieces. Cooking times will vary slightly based on how large/small the pieces are cut, the color of baking sheet (dark cooks more quickly than light), and the individual oven.
- 10-15 minutes– thin vegetables like asparagus and green beans (very thin asparagus may cook even faster)
- 15-25 minutes– soft vegetables like zucchini, summer squash, mushrooms, and tomatoes; crucifers like broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts; onions and bell peppers*
- 20-30 minutes– winter squash (like butternut and acorn), sweet potatoes
- 30-45 minutes–carrots, potatoes (like russets and Yukon golds), beets and cabbage wedges**
*Mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers are veggies I freely mix depending on desired outcome. A shorter roasting time yields a crisper, firmer vegetable while more time in the oven progressively softens and caramelizes.
**Again, size/thickness matters. I recently roasted carrots in just 20 minutes by slicing them in 1/2-inch thick pieces.
Tip: When done, the tip of a sharp knife should pierce the vegetables easily. If you’ve found roasted vegetables to be mushy in the past, chances are you simply need to reduce the cooking time.