Prosciutto Wrapped Pan Seared Fish
Though full of flavor as is, a drizzle of syrupy balsamic vinegar prior to serving adds a little something extra. To make your own version of a costly aged variety, simply simmer an inexpensive balsamic vinegar on the stovetop until reduced by about half and add a touch of honey. For specific instructions, look at this easy recipe.

Yield: As many as needed


  • Halibut fillets* (4-6 ounces, depending on appetite)
  • Thinly sliced prosciutto slices (1to 1-1/2 per fillet, depending on size)
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Olive oil to coat skillet


  1. Sprinkle the fish with pepper to taste. Wrap a slice of prosciutto around each fish fillet. If the fillets are large or the prosciutto slices are small, you may need to overlap a second piece to fully cover. (At this point, you may cover and refrigerate until ready to eat.)
  2. Coat a large skillet (non-stick or seasoned cast iron work well) lightly in olive oil and heat over medium-high heat.
  3. When hot, place the prosciutto-wrapped fish in the skillet and cook for 2–3 minutes on each side, until the prosciutto is golden and crispy and the fish is just barely cooked through. The fish will continue to cook a bit after it has been removed from the heat.
  4. Serve with your favorite green vegetable, a baked potato and/or a side salad…or whatever sounds good to you!


  • *In addition to halibut–which is a firm, meaty, yet slightly sweet fish–this meal may be made with tilapia, cod, flounder, or another white fish of your choice. Depending on the thickness of the fillets, simply adjust the cooking time up or down by a minute or so. You can get a good idea as to when the fish is nearly cooked through by looking at the exposed side.


  • For a complete meal, first sauté a serving of asparagus, snap peas, or another quick-cooking vegetable of choice in a teaspoon or two of oil in the same pan, and then remove to a plate. You may add the vegetables back to the pan for a minute or so as the fish finishes cooking to rewarm as needed. My family especially enjoys this meal with asparagus and Parmesan couscous. (Near East makes quick-cooking option for the latter.)
  • Alternatively, for a light summer meal, place the seared fish (you can even swap out the fish for thin chicken cutlets) over a bed of greens, adding chopped tomatoes and crumbled feta and a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette. Sliced cucumbers, Kalamata olives, and slivered red onion offer complementary flavor as well.

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