Make-Ahead Granola Parfaits
Consider preparing several at one time, as the parfaits will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days.


  • 3/4 cup (6 ounces) plain Greek yogurt (see notes)
  • 2 teaspoons pure maple syrup
  • 1/3 cup granola (slightly rounded)
  • 1/3 cup berries or chopped fruit of choice (slightly rounded; frozen fruit works well)
  • Optional toppings: toasted almonds, walnuts or nuts of choice; shredded coconut; cinnamon


  1. Mix together the yogurt and the maple syrup. (If you happen to be using a 6-ounce, single-serve yogurt cup, you can do the mixing right in the yogurt cup.)
  2. To a tall glass or 12-ounce Mason jar, add 1/4 cup of the yogurt. Add 2 slightly rounded tablespoons of the fruit, and then top with 2 slightly rounded tablespoons of granola.
  3. Repeat this layer. Then add the final 1/4 cup of yogurt, followed by a rounded tablespoon each of the fruit and granola. If using a 12-ounce glass or jar, this will fill it almost exactly.
  4. If desired, top with a sprinkle of nuts or other optional toppings. Cover with plastic wrap or a lid, and refrigerator for up to three days.


  • I use plain, fat-free or 2% Greek yogurt. For me, two teaspoons of maple syrup per 6 ounces of yogurt is perfect, but you may adjust up or down, as desired. If you prefer to use sweetened yogurt, you may wish to omit the maple syrup entirely.

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