
Quite possibly the easiest trick that’s fun for all ages. One ingredient is all you need, and before you know it, everyone will be laughing!


When I originally posted this silly “punch” on The Fountain Avenue Kitchen several years ago, I did it on the afternoon of April Fool’s Day, right after my kids had sipped hard on the straw and got….nothing.

We laughed so hard over this and an unexpected dinner that I figured I should repost the recipes–but this time with a full week for you to prepare your bag of tricks!

We don’t often have lots of juice or soda on hand, so when I offered tall glasses of fruit punch last April Fool’s Day, my kids were rather excited. I served the glasses right side up, but the picture illustrates the point.

While away with family a few weeks earlier, I saw the idea in a Real Simple magazine I was flipping through. I couldn’t resist. I truly wish you were with us in our kitchen to see how hard we laughed when they tried to sip from the straw.

If you don’t get around to this silly prank this year, have your Jell-O ready for next year.  (Also, feel free to comment or email me if you have a favorite April Fool’s food hijinks. I need a good idea for next year!)

The easiest trick that will make everyone laugh! Save

Update: Eight years after my original post, they may have figured out the trick but enjoy it every bit as much! ⇩⇩

Need some easy April foolery? This simple trick will create peals of laugher while making everyone happy! Save


April Fool’s Fruit Punch

Yields 2 (8-ounce) glasses.


  • 1 (3-ounce) box cherry-flavored Jell-O (or number to make desired amount of servings)
  • 2 straws


  1. Mix according to package directions, pour into glasses, and insert a straw before placing the glasses in the refrigerator to set. Punching a piece of plastic wrap over the straw will keep it upright, although allowing the straw to tilt against the side is the "natural" look, as it would normally rest.
  2. Get ready to laugh!


  • A standard serving of Jell-O is 4 ounces (or 4 servings per 3-ounce box), but that is not quite enough to fill most glasses.

For more laughs… April Fool's Meatloaf Cake...super fun and incredibly delicious, too!Save

April Fool’s Meatloaf Cake — And don’t save this just for April foolery, the meatloaf recipe is one of my favorites!

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10 responses to “April Fool’s Fruit Punch”

  1. This one is great! We did it to our kindergarten class. They loved it.

    1. I bet the kids were thrilled. Thanks for letting me know!

  2. Janette Avatar

    I did this to my kindergarten class a few years ago. They loved it! We topped it off with some whipped cream. I did some like this today with my daughter’s milk this morning. She also woke up to a floor full of balloons, too. When she gets home there will be a pan of brown E’s waiting for her. Don’t feel too sorry for her, I did bake a pan of real brownies. 🙂

    1. Hi Janette,
      I bet your daughter loved the balloons, and I think the brown E’s are brilliant. Thanks for the clever idea…I will do that next year!

  3. Hi Ann! I loved the April Fool food recipes in the paper yesterday. We always had some funny things happening on April 1st when the kids were younger. One particular joke I remember well…my daughter took the last few Oreos left in the package and replaced the icing with tooth paste! Her sister came home from school and had a snack…
    It was funny!

    1. That’s a good one, Sue. And the Double Stuff Oreos are fairly easy to pry apart and remove the creamy center; )

  4. Jessica Avatar

    Definitely working this into the after school snack routine. Thank you!

  5. […] biggest laughs came from a simple glass of fruit punch that I served alongside the kids’ after-school snack.  When they sipped through the straw, the […]

  6. Mary Lou Keller Avatar
    Mary Lou Keller

    Very clever and cute! I may have to pull this on my husband.. 😉

    1. We sure laughed a lot over this one!