Any award is a welcome gift. An award given by someone you like and respect is extra special. When that award has fun stuff attached to it, well, that’s just plain fabulous!
The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. (Sort of like the Oscars, right?) The recipients of the Sunshine Award are: “Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogoshere.” (I’ll take that!)
So…an enormous thank you to Nel from The PaperCup Kitchen, across the ocean in the UK! If you don’t know her, you must pay her a visit. You will love and be inspired by her. Read her profile and you will see the depth of this wife, mother, and baker. Thanks also to Ann from Sumptuous Spoonfuls. Ann, in addition to sharing my name, shares my love of delicious salads and constantly impresses me with her culinary creativity and generosity towards others. Visit her, too, if you haven’t already.
Now, the rules: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. Answer 10 questions about yourself. Select 10 of your favorite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award! Don’t forget to copy and paste the award on your blog!
So here are my answers…
10. Favorite flowers: Three-way tie among tulips, hydrangeas, and daisies. Oh, let’s just say four-way tie and add lilacs!
And now, to pass this along to 10 other bloggers. I have many more than 10 to give this to…but rules are rules…
Thank you again for the award, Nel! You are all a bright ray of sunshine in my day!
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