Ann Fulton & Emily Russo, MS, RD, CDN

Holiday Favorite Things

The holidays are on the horizon, and with family, friends, and, parties (not to mention teachers, neighbors, and coworkers!), the gift giving list can be long. So, we’re back with our annual list of inspiration. From toddlers to teenage boys, grandparents to girlfriends, coming up with the perfect gift can be much harder than the…

A Few of Our August Favorite Things

Need a little something to perk up the long, hot days of summer? From practical kitchen finds, treats for people and pets, activities for kids, must-see TV, and books, this month’s list of favorite things is bound to make those days a little more fun!   A Refreshing Pick-Me-Up Ann was recently introduced to Tru…

Father’s Day Menus

Dad deserves the best, so for Father’s Day, we’ve covered the bases with crowd-pleasing menus featuring the best cocktails, grilled recipes, side dishes, desserts, and more! Father’s Day and grilling go hand in hand, and for this year’s celebration we’ve put together some menus which honor the grill…and much, much more! Relax, spend time with…

Breads and Baked Goods, Breakfast, Salads

Mother’s Day Menus

Planning a meal to celebrate the special moms in your life but need a little inspiration? From breakfast in bed to brunch and dinner, the following recipes are sure to delight with minimal effort. Helpful menus pairings are included.     We hope for the best on Mother’s Day, but the age-old joke often involves…

A Few of Our Favorite Things – Spring Has Sprung!

Spring flowers are blooming, the days are growing longer, and we are itching to get back outside. Following are a few of our favorite things as we welcome the new season!   When the weather becomes mild again, so many of us anticipate a return to our favorite outdoor activities and celebrating the holidays of…

Our Favorite Things for the Holidays!

We can all use fresh ideas in the gift giving department, right? In that spirit, we’ve been keeping a list and have assembled a collection of our favorite things to give and receive, and it’s loaded with practical and thoughtful ideas for kids and adults alike!   Home is where the ❤️ is… The first…

What to see and do in New York City!

It’s a quick train ride away for many of us, and also a destination for everyone worldwide. But with so much going on in the big city, where are the best places to visit and (most importantly) the yummiest spots to eat? Note: We will update this post with new finds over time, so check…

A Few of Our Favorite Things – Retro Style!

We always seem to be marching forward, so it can be fun to take a step back. Our favorite things this month include the classic, the timeless, and some gems we may have forgotten about!   Retro in the kitchen… Most microwaves and ovens now have their own built-in timers, but we love the decor…

Our Favorite Things – getting back to business!

It may seem like summer has just begun, but before we know it we will be packing lunch boxes and getting back into the usual routine. Here’s a sneak peek at what we will be incorporating into our daily schedules!   You Do Blue – Nail Polish A fun nail polish color can be a…

Favorite Things for Summer!

Summer is here, and the following list offers an abundance of ways to enjoy time spent inside, outside, at home, and on vacation!     THE GREAT OUTDOORS What’s more fun than a sprinkler? How about one that looks like a turtle and has spinning tubes that move in wild directions? This Rotating Turtle Sprinkler…

A Few of Our Favorite Things For April – we like to move it!

Spring is here and the weather is getting warmer. Time to reacquaint ourselves with the outdoors and get movin’! This month’s Favorite Things will help!     🦵🏼LEGGINGS Ann has stayed true to the same style of Lululemon leggings for years. Designed for yoga but equally well suited to a trip to the gym or a…

Our Favorite Things – March!

Spring is the season of new beginnings, so this month’s Favorite Things is meant to freshen things up with everyday products and tips that add ease and interest to our days.   👩🏼‍🍳Cooking & Baking  We know that using parchment paper makes for an easier clean-up and protects against wear and tear on baking sheets,…

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