Birthday Recipes

Honey Peanut Butter “Ice Cream”

Those who know me are well aware of my huge penchant for ice cream.  I love it.  I could eat in every night.  I buy ice cream cones for home use and I am rather heavy-handed with the scooping.  Once, I gave it up for lent just to prove to myself that I could.  I…

Chocolate Letters

Homemade chocolate letters add a special touch to birthday cakes and any celebratory dessert–and they’re easy to make!   My dear friend and incredible baker, Lisa, gave me this idea recently and I thought it was so very clever! When I served this cake, smiles were on every face and all the kids proclaimed that…

Best Ever Caramel Frosting

Caramel frosting on a chocolate cake has always been my mother-in-law’s preferred birthday dessert. Caramel frosting on a spice cake has long been my dad’s favorite treat. So, over the years, I have had many occasions to try various recipes, and this recipe for caramel frosting always brings rave reviews. It’s the only one I…

Slow-Baked Banana Bread

An unconventional baking temperature creates perfectly tender, foolproof banana bread every time. The recipe makes two large loaves-perfect for freezing or sharing!         I just returned from a wonderful afternoon volunteering at the Boys & Girls Club. We read a lot, shared some good stories, and enjoyed a yummy snack.   I…

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