
And the winner is…..PAULA CLARK HOPKINS!!!!  Thank you to all who participated.  I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and much health and happiness in the new year!   

Can you believe it’s December already? Thanksgiving is over and Hanukkah is under way; which also means that it’s officially shopping season!  In fact, today is Cyber Monday, the busiest online shopping day of the year.  So, I was thrilled to be able to join with a group of my favorite food bloggers to give away a little extra spending money this holiday season.  A little?  Actually, it’s a lot!  It’s $600!  We truly appreciate and love all of our readers, so this is one of those times where it is truly more fun to give than receive.  

All you have to do is enter through the Rafflecopter link below and tell us what you would do with an extra $600 this holiday season.  Once you comment, you will have over 50 other chances to enter. The giveaway runs from December 2-15, 2013 and one winner will be chosen and notified on December 16, 2013. Please read the complete Terms & Conditions as this giveaway is only valid for U.S residents only (I apologize to all of our overseas readers.  The rules of the gift card company prohibit us from offering this outside of the U.S.).




a Rafflecopter giveaway

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71 responses to “Holiday Cheer Giveaway $$$”

  1. I would pay some medical bills, since I have no health insurance.

  2. M.J. Jacobsen Avatar
    M.J. Jacobsen

    Shopping spree with my grand kids!!!

  3. karen fuller Avatar
    karen fuller

    i’d do all my christmas shopping as i lost my job.

  4. Make a great Christmas Feast for friends and family.

  5. Christine Weadick Avatar
    Christine Weadick

    I would do some shopping, money is very tight this year and this would just help make Christmas this year……

  6. kathleen jerry Avatar
    kathleen jerry

    I would put it away toward my dream trip to Ireland!

  7. I’d buy me a new skillet/panini press. Then, I’d take anything left over and pay bills.

  8. Lena Hohenad Avatar
    Lena Hohenad

    It would go to help a family in a particularly tight spot now.

  9. Sharon J Avatar
    Sharon J

    Would help my grand daughter prepare for her first baby…crib, car seats, diapers, along with a couple date nights out for the proud parents.

  10. Lee Finlay Avatar
    Lee Finlay

    I would use the giftcard to buy my husband and I a spa day in Hershey

  11. kelly rae Avatar
    kelly rae

    put it towards our home