Homemade Graham Cracker Crust

By Ann Fulton

Using just three pantry staples, and about 10 minutes prep-time, this crisp and toasty homemade crust elevates your pie game to new heights!
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Using just three pantry staples, and about 10 minutes prep-time, this crisp and toasty homemade crust elevates your pie game to new heights!


A good pie crust will elevate dessert. And in this case, it’s easy.

No rolling. Three simple ingredients. Nothing fussy.

Trusty store-bought options offer a convenient choice and do the trick, but as is often the case, something homemade tends to up the game. 

The graham cracker is uniquely American, and while similar biscuits and crackers are found in other parts of the world, there’s nothing quite the same. Whether it’s the classic s’more, a snack topped with peanut butter, or the much-loved pie crust, the graham cracker has an iconic taste and texture that reminds many of us of our childhood.

There are a few different brands of graham crackers on the market, and they may produce a slightly different crust, but one is not necessarily better than another for this recipe. And though the similar biscuits and crackers mentioned won’t precisely replicate the traditional crust, they often work.

Depending on the flavor profile and texture desired, you can replace the graham crackers in the following recipe with an equal amount of vanilla wafers, digestive biscuits, gingersnaps, pretzels, Oreos, animal cracker, shortbread cookies, and even corn flakes.  

And as mentioned, it’s easy. Once the crumbs are mixed with the melted butter and sugar, the mixture is simply pressed into an ungreased pie plate. Ten minutes in the oven will set the crust to crisp perfection, and it’s ready for your favorite fillings. 

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	        <img class="blog-mile6-google-image" src="https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/2024_FAK_Pickle_Sushi_16.jpg" style="display:block;position:absolute;left:-10000px;top:-10000px;" itemprop="image">

	        <div class="blog-mile6-recipe-title" itemprop="name">Pickle Sushi</div><div class="timings-wrapper"><div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary recipe-timing"><strong>Prep Time:</strong> <span itemprop="prepTime" content="PT10M">10 minutes</span></div><div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary recipe-timing"><strong>Cook Time:</strong> <span itemprop="cookTime" content="PT10M">10 minutes</span></div></div><div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary recipe-yield"><strong>Yield:</strong> <span itemprop="recipeYield">1 sushi roll; easy to make as many as needed </span></div>
	        <div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary" itemprop="description">With just three basic ingredients (and no raw fish!) pickle sushi makes a delicious snack, appetizer, or lunch box addition. A fun kitchen project for kids too!</div>

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			<a data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-tall="true" href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/recipe/pickle-sushi/&media=&description=With just three basic ingredients (and no raw fish!) pickle sushi makes a delicious snack, appetizer, or lunch box addition. A fun kitchen project for kids too!"></a>

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	            <div class="blog-mile6-photo-middle" style="background-image: url(https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/2024_FAK_Pickle_Sushi_16.jpg)"></div>

	            <div class="blog-mile6-ingredient-section" mile6section="0">
	<div class="blog-mile6-subheader">Ingredients</div><div class="blog-mile6-ingredients"><div class="blog-mile6-ingredient-item" mile6item=""><ul>
<li itemprop="recipeIngredient">2 generous tablespoons herbed cream cheese (we use Boursin; may substitute plain cream cheese), <em>room temperature</em><strong>*</strong></li>
<li itemprop="recipeIngredient">1 whole dill pickle, patted dry</li>
<li itemprop="recipeIngredient">2 slices deli turkey (to avoid tearing, ask for slices that aren’t paper thin)</li>
<li itemprop="recipeIngredient"><strong>Optional</strong>: <a href="https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/everything-bagel-seasoning/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Everything Bagel Seasoning</a> for sprinkling (<a href="https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/everything-bagel-seasoning/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">homemade</a> or store-bought)</li>

	            <div class="blog-mile6-method-section" mile6section="1">

				<div class="blog-mile6-subheader">Instructions</div><div class="blog-mile6-methods" itemprop="recipeInstructions"><div class="blog-mile6-method-item" mile6item=""><p style="font-weight: 400;">Place two slices of turkey in front of you, mostly overlapping, to form a long oval. Pat dry with a paper towel if needed.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Spread the softened cream cheese evenly over the turkey, making sure to spread it to the edges. (This measurement is easy to eyeball, as you just need a thin layer than extends to the edges.)</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Place the pickle across the turkey near the bottom edge, and then tightly roll the pickle in the turkey. With a sharp knife, cut the rolls into slices, about ¾-inch thick. Sprinkle the cut sides with a everything bagel seasoning, if using.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">If not eating right away, place in an airtight container and refrigerate until ready to serve. Overnight is fine – these are a perfect night-before item to prep for lunch boxes. The <a href="https://amzn.to/4cRwogM" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Bentgo bento box</a> is a style our kids have liked!</p>
	            <div class="blog-mile6-note-section" mile6section="2">
				<div class="blog-mile6-subheader">Notes & Tips</div><div class="blog-mile6-notes"><div class="blog-mile6-note-item" mile6item=""><p><strong>What the kids say:</strong></p>
<li>Even kids who aren’t pickle fans have enjoyed pickle sushi. For those who have no interest in trying a pickle, I have used mini cucumbers.</li>
<li>The general consensus has been that turkey tastes better, but you could absolutely use ham instead.</li>
<li>When packing lunch boxes, things like cooked rice, edamame, seaweed snacks, and clementines will round out the meal and complement the sushi theme.</li>
<li>Parents like these too!</li>
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>*Be sure to soften the cream cheese</strong> to room temperature, as it will be more difficult to spread and easy to tear the turkey when it’s cold. And though cream cheese may be used, the herbed cream cheese is light and provides extra flavor.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>When rolled tightly</strong>, the pieces hold together quite well. If needed, you could use toothpicks to secure them.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">
	            </div><a class="jump-to-recipe" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1E5ukebplVC9OpjeeYNdw">More On YouTube</a> <a class="jump-to-recipe" href="https://www.instagram.com/fountainavenuekitchen?utm_source=ig_button&utm_campaign=ig_header_button" target="_blank">More on Instagram</a><br><div class="wprm-call-to-action wprm-call-to-action-simple" style="display:flex;justify-content:center;color: #ffffff;background-color: #616161;margin: 0px;padding: 50px;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-top: 30px;text-align:left;">
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	            <div class="blog-mile6-recipe-source">
	                The Fountain Avenue Kitchen https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/


Three ingredients – butter, sugar, and graham cracker crumbs – are mixed together for a delicious crust.

I’ve used this graham cracker crust with a wide variety of recipes, and it consistently delivers excellent results:  

What size pie plate will the graham cracker crust work with? I most often use this crust in a standard 9- x 1½-inch pie plate, and there are enough crumbs to make a nice thick edge. There will be enough of the crumb mixture, however, to press into a 10-inch standard pie plate or a 9-inch deep dish plate. In this case, the edges will be somewhat thinner.

Using just three pantry staples, and about 10 minutes prep-time, this crisp and toasty homemade crust elevates your pie game to new heights!

Graham crackers are pulverized in a small chopper or food processor and then go into a mixing bowl. Alternatively, you may purchase graham cracker crumbs and skip this step. 

Using just three pantry staples, and about 10 minutes prep-time, this crisp and toasty homemade crust elevates your pie game to new heights!

Sugar is added to the graham cracker crumbs.

Using just three pantry staples, and about 10 minutes prep-time, this crisp and toasty homemade crust elevates your pie game to new heights!

Melted butter is then mixed in.

Using just three pantry staples, and about 10 minutes prep-time, this crisp and toasty homemade crust elevates your pie game to new heights!Helpful hints: I use the flat bottom of a small measuring cup to gently press down on the crumbs and to push the crust up the sides. Then, as I hold the cup against the side, I use my fingers to press down along the top to make a nice, clean edge. 

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	        <img class="blog-mile6-google-image" src="https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/2024_FAK_Pickle_Sushi_16.jpg" style="display:block;position:absolute;left:-10000px;top:-10000px;" itemprop="image">

	        <div class="blog-mile6-recipe-title" itemprop="name">Pickle Sushi</div><div class="timings-wrapper"><div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary recipe-timing"><strong>Prep Time:</strong> <span itemprop="prepTime" content="PT10M">10 minutes</span></div><div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary recipe-timing"><strong>Cook Time:</strong> <span itemprop="cookTime" content="PT10M">10 minutes</span></div></div><div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary recipe-yield"><strong>Yield:</strong> <span itemprop="recipeYield">1 sushi roll; easy to make as many as needed </span></div>
	        <div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary" itemprop="description">With just three basic ingredients (and no raw fish!) pickle sushi makes a delicious snack, appetizer, or lunch box addition. A fun kitchen project for kids too!</div>

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			<div style="float:left; margin-right:10px">
			<a data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-tall="true" href="https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/recipe/pickle-sushi/&media=&description=With just three basic ingredients (and no raw fish!) pickle sushi makes a delicious snack, appetizer, or lunch box addition. A fun kitchen project for kids too!"></a>

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	            <div class="blog-mile6-photo-middle" style="background-image: url(https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/2024_FAK_Pickle_Sushi_16.jpg)"></div>

	            <div class="blog-mile6-ingredient-section" mile6section="0">
	<div class="blog-mile6-subheader">Ingredients</div><div class="blog-mile6-ingredients"><div class="blog-mile6-ingredient-item" mile6item=""><ul>
<li itemprop="recipeIngredient">2 generous tablespoons herbed cream cheese (we use Boursin; may substitute plain cream cheese), <em>room temperature</em><strong>*</strong></li>
<li itemprop="recipeIngredient">1 whole dill pickle, patted dry</li>
<li itemprop="recipeIngredient">2 slices deli turkey (to avoid tearing, ask for slices that aren’t paper thin)</li>
<li itemprop="recipeIngredient"><strong>Optional</strong>: <a href="https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/everything-bagel-seasoning/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Everything Bagel Seasoning</a> for sprinkling (<a href="https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/everything-bagel-seasoning/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">homemade</a> or store-bought)</li>

	            <div class="blog-mile6-method-section" mile6section="1">

				<div class="blog-mile6-subheader">Instructions</div><div class="blog-mile6-methods" itemprop="recipeInstructions"><div class="blog-mile6-method-item" mile6item=""><p style="font-weight: 400;">Place two slices of turkey in front of you, mostly overlapping, to form a long oval. Pat dry with a paper towel if needed.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Spread the softened cream cheese evenly over the turkey, making sure to spread it to the edges. (This measurement is easy to eyeball, as you just need a thin layer than extends to the edges.)</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Place the pickle across the turkey near the bottom edge, and then tightly roll the pickle in the turkey. With a sharp knife, cut the rolls into slices, about ¾-inch thick. Sprinkle the cut sides with a everything bagel seasoning, if using.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">If not eating right away, place in an airtight container and refrigerate until ready to serve. Overnight is fine – these are a perfect night-before item to prep for lunch boxes. The <a href="https://amzn.to/4cRwogM" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Bentgo bento box</a> is a style our kids have liked!</p>
	            <div class="blog-mile6-note-section" mile6section="2">
				<div class="blog-mile6-subheader">Notes & Tips</div><div class="blog-mile6-notes"><div class="blog-mile6-note-item" mile6item=""><p><strong>What the kids say:</strong></p>
<li>Even kids who aren’t pickle fans have enjoyed pickle sushi. For those who have no interest in trying a pickle, I have used mini cucumbers.</li>
<li>The general consensus has been that turkey tastes better, but you could absolutely use ham instead.</li>
<li>When packing lunch boxes, things like cooked rice, edamame, seaweed snacks, and clementines will round out the meal and complement the sushi theme.</li>
<li>Parents like these too!</li>
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>*Be sure to soften the cream cheese</strong> to room temperature, as it will be more difficult to spread and easy to tear the turkey when it’s cold. And though cream cheese may be used, the herbed cream cheese is light and provides extra flavor.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>When rolled tightly</strong>, the pieces hold together quite well. If needed, you could use toothpicks to secure them.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">
	            </div><a class="jump-to-recipe" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1E5ukebplVC9OpjeeYNdw">More On YouTube</a> <a class="jump-to-recipe" href="https://www.instagram.com/fountainavenuekitchen?utm_source=ig_button&utm_campaign=ig_header_button" target="_blank">More on Instagram</a><br><div class="wprm-call-to-action wprm-call-to-action-simple" style="display:flex;justify-content:center;color: #ffffff;background-color: #616161;margin: 0px;padding: 50px;padding-bottom: 30px;padding-top: 30px;text-align:left;">
	<span class="wprm-recipe-icon wprm-call-to-action-icon" style=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="56" height="56" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g class="nc-icon-wrapper" fill="#ffffff"><path fill="#ffffff" d="M12,2.162c3.204,0,3.584,0.012,4.849,0.07c1.366,0.062,2.633,0.336,3.608,1.311 c0.975,0.975,1.249,2.242,1.311,3.608c0.058,1.265,0.07,1.645,0.07,4.849s-0.012,3.584-0.07,4.849 c-0.062,1.366-0.336,2.633-1.311,3.608c-0.975,0.975-2.242,1.249-3.608,1.311c-1.265,0.058-1.645,0.07-4.849,0.07 s-3.584-0.012-4.849-0.07c-1.366-0.062-2.633-0.336-3.608-1.311c-0.975-0.975-1.249-2.242-1.311-3.608 c-0.058-1.265-0.07-1.645-0.07-4.849s0.012-3.584,0.07-4.849c0.062-1.366,0.336-2.633,1.311-3.608 c0.975-0.975,2.242-1.249,3.608-1.311C8.416,2.174,8.796,2.162,12,2.162 M12,0C8.741,0,8.332,0.014,7.052,0.072 c-1.95,0.089-3.663,0.567-5.038,1.942C0.639,3.389,0.161,5.102,0.072,7.052C0.014,8.332,0,8.741,0,12 c0,3.259,0.014,3.668,0.072,4.948c0.089,1.95,0.567,3.663,1.942,5.038c1.375,1.375,3.088,1.853,5.038,1.942 C8.332,23.986,8.741,24,12,24s3.668-0.014,4.948-0.072c1.95-0.089,3.663-0.567,5.038-1.942c1.375-1.375,1.853-3.088,1.942-5.038 C23.986,15.668,24,15.259,24,12s-0.014-3.668-0.072-4.948c-0.089-1.95-0.567-3.663-1.942-5.038 c-1.375-1.375-3.088-1.853-5.038-1.942C15.668,0.014,15.259,0,12,0L12,0z"></path> <path data-color="color-2" d="M12,5.838c-3.403,0-6.162,2.759-6.162,6.162S8.597,18.162,12,18.162s6.162-2.759,6.162-6.162 S15.403,5.838,12,5.838z M12,16c-2.209,0-4-1.791-4-4s1.791-4,4-4s4,1.791,4,4S14.209,16,12,16z"></path> <circle data-color="color-2" cx="18.406" cy="5.594" r="1.44"></circle></g></svg></span> <span class="wprm-call-to-action-text-container" style=""><span class="wprm-call-to-action-header" style="">Tried this recipe?</span><span class="wprm-call-to-action-text" style="">Post a picture on instagram and we will repost it! Mention <a href="https://www.instagram.com/fountainavenuekitchen" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" style="color: #ffffff">@fountainavenuekitchen</a> or tag <a href="https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/fountainavenuekitchen" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" style="color: #ffffff">#fountainavenuekitchen</a>!</span></span></div><div itemprop="interactionStatistic" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/InteractionCounter">
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	            <div class="blog-mile6-recipe-source">
	                The Fountain Avenue Kitchen https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/


Need a gluten-free graham cracker crust? I’ve got you covered! This gluten-free graham cracker crust will delight the gluten eaters as well. 

🧡 If you enjoyed this recipe, please give 5 stars and a comment below! And feel free to post on your favorite social media channels and tag @fountainavenuekitchen!

Homemade Graham Cracker Crust
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Yield: 1 pie crust*
With just three pantry staples and about 10 minutes of prep-time, this crisp and toasty homemade crust will elevate your pie game!
  • 1½ cups graham cracker crumbs (150g from 10 full graham cracker sheets)
  • 6 tablespoons (84g) melted butter
  • ¼ cup (48g) granulated sugar**

Pre-heat oven to 350℉.

If you’re starting with graham crackers, use a food processor or blender to grind them into fine crumbs (I break them up a bit before adding to the processor). Alternatively, you can put the crackers in a zip-top bag and crush them into fine crumbs with rolling pin.

In a mixing bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, butter, and sugar. The mixture will be thick and sandy.

Press into the bottom and up the sides of a 9- to 10-inch pie plate. Helpful hint: Use the bottom of a flat measuring cup to more easily press the crumbs into an even, compact layer, making sure to press into the corners too.

Bake the unfilled crust for 10 minutes (or according to your recipe’s instructions) and then cool before filling and baking. You can also use the baked and cooled crust for a no-bake dessert, like a pudding or ice cream pie. (For the Lemon Pie, you can fill the crust when it comes out of the oven – no need to cool!)

Storage: The crust will keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Once cooled, wrap it well, being careful not to bump the edges. A well-wrapped crust may also be frozen for up to three months.


*Size of pie plate: This recipe contains enough crumbs to cover a standard 10″ pie crust. That said, I most often use it with a standard 9-inch pie plate, and we enjoy the slightly thicker crust that results.

*Vary the flavor profile: You may use an equal amount of gingersnaps, vanilla wafers, chocolate wafers, Oreos, digestive biscuits, pretzels, animal cracker, shortbread cookies, and even corn flakes in place of graham crackers.

**Sugar adjustment: If your pie filling is not too sweet and you’d like a sweeter crust to balance it, you may use up to ⅓ cup sugar in this crust recipe. Reducing the sugar, however, may create a crumbly crust.

Need a gluten-free graham cracker crust? Click HERE for that adaptation. (It’s delicious!)

More On YouTube More on Instagram
Tried this recipe?Post a picture on instagram and we will repost it! Mention @fountainavenuekitchen or tag #fountainavenuekitchen!
The Fountain Avenue Kitchen https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/

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