A cold, creamy treat that’s easy to make, Nutella Pops remind me of the classic chocolate pudding pops that were so popular when I was a girl!
Do you remember Pudding Pops? In the 1980s, Bill Cosby was the spokesman for this popular frozen treat. The chocolate version was similar to a creamy fudgesicle, almost like a scoop of ice cream on a stick. In our home, this flavor was always the first to vanish from the box.
I have wanted to resurrect this cherished snack from my childhood for some time, ostensibly for the enjoyment of my kids. Secretly, I viewed it as a portion-controlled dessert that would satisfy my sweet tooth–with a serving of nostalgia on the side. I began experimenting with the recipe while my kids were at sleep-over camp. (What mom would do this?)
When I make a new recipe, I like to have many opinions beyond my own, ideally from both kids and adults. Since my boys were absent, I coerced the twin girls who live around the corner to come to my aid.
Because this job requires photographing the food I prepare, I noticed something else: one of the girls was sporting a colorful polka dot shirt that I thought would be a pretty backdrop for a brownish popsicle. I joked with their mom that these are the silly details that now occupy my mind!
So, the girls gamely held the popsicles while I snapped as quickly as I could. The day was hot, and the popsicles melted fast. Ultimately, the girls raved and it was their suggestion to include the recipe in this space.
When my 70-something father gave this modern-day pudding pop an equally glowing endorsement, I figured Bill Cosby might even approve!
Nutella Pops
- 1/2 cup Nutella
- 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
- 3/4 cup canned light coconut milk (see note)
- 3/4 cup almond milk (I have also used 1% milk; use your milk of preference.)
- 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
- Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for a minute or until thoroughly combined. Stir down to the bottom of the blender to make sure all of the Nutella is incorporated, and blend one more time. When done, stir again to pop some of the bubbles that form while blending. (I have tried mixing in a large bowl with a hand-held beater, but the blender works better to completely incorporate the Nutella. No splattering either!)
- Pour into popsicle molds. I use six 3-ounce popsicle molds. Small paper cups and popsicle sticks are an option to the molds. In this case, place a piece of foil over the top of the cup and poke the popsicle stick th rough so that the stick stands upright. You may skip the foil and simply insert the stick once the popsicles are partially frozen, but it’s easy to forget!
- Freeze overnight. (I have checked after six hours or so and, while they appear thoroughly frozen, the popsicles will be easier to remove from the plastic molds after they are frozen longer.)
- Run molds under warm water to loosen the popsicles. If using paper cups, simply tear the cup away from the popsicle. If using an ice cube tray, you may need to gently pry out the cubes with the tip of a knife.
- The coconut milk is used in this recipe to lend creaminess. The coconut flavor is almost undetectable.
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