Easy Lemon Pie

By Emily Russo, MS, RD, CDN

Fresh, cool, and creamy lemon filling balances perfectly with a graham cracker crust (easily adapted to gluten-free!) in this easy-to-make pie that will brighten anyone's day!
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Fresh, cool, and creamy lemon filling balances perfectly with a graham cracker crust (easily adapted to gluten-free!) in this easy-to-make pie that will brighten anyone’s day!

Don’t get me wrong, we love chocolate in all its glory. But some members of my family are sensitive to caffeine, so much so that they have a strict “no chocolate” rule, even as a garnish, after about 3pm.

So, for family gatherings in the evenings, I’m usually on the hunt for a great non-chocolate dessert. 

In the summer, fresh fruit typically pulls me towards strawberry parfaits and blueberry crisps. In the fall, apples and pears make their way into the line-up.

In the winter, sugar cookies reign supreme. But in early spring, I want something fresh and bright with a cheerful nod to the changing season.

I turn to lemon. And something easy.

Fresh, cool, and creamy lemon filling balances perfectly with a graham cracker crust (easily adapted to gluten-free!) in this easy-to-make pie that will brighten anyone's day!

This pie is simply delicious and fits both criteria. I’ve made it the no-frills way with great results, by simply pouring the filling into a pre-baked graham cracker pie crust.

But if you have an extra 20 minutes, try this homemade Graham Cracker Crust. It provides the perfect sweetness and crunchiness to complement the creamy filling.

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	        <div class="blog-mile6-recipe-title" itemprop="name">Sangria Spritz</div><div class="timings-wrapper"><div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary recipe-timing"><strong>Prep Time:</strong> <span itemprop="prepTime" content="PT3M">3 minutes</span></div><div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary recipe-timing"><strong>Total Time:</strong> <span itemprop="totalTime" content="PT3M">3 minutes </span></div></div><div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary recipe-yield"><strong>Yield:</strong> <span itemprop="recipeYield">1 serving</span></div>
	        <div class="blog-mile6-recipe-summary" itemprop="description">Three main ingredients and an easy-to-remember ratio makes a light, refreshing Sangria Spritz as convenient as it is crowd-pleasing.  </div>

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	            <div class="blog-mile6-ingredient-section" mile6section="0">
	<div class="blog-mile6-subheader">Ingredients </div><div class="blog-mile6-ingredients"><div class="blog-mile6-ingredient-item" mile6item=""><ul>
<li style="font-weight: 400;">3 ounces (85ml) Lambrusco, chilled<strong>*</strong></li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;">2 ounces (57ml) Aperol</li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;">2 ounces (57ml) sparkling water or club soda, chilled</li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Optional:</strong> splash of Fresca or Sprite</li>
<li style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Garnish options: </strong>slice of apple and orange (my go-to); also delicious as the seasons allow are peach or nectarine slices, strawberries, cherries, apricots, pears, red and/or green grapes, and/or lemon or lime wheel</li>

	            <div class="blog-mile6-method-section" mile6section="1">

				<div class="blog-mile6-subheader">Instructions</div><div class="blog-mile6-methods" itemprop="recipeInstructions"><div class="blog-mile6-method-item" mile6item=""><p style="font-weight: 400;">Add ice to a red wine goblet, tumbler, or double old-fashioned glass, and pour in the Lambrusco and Aperol. Top with the sparkling water and gently stir to combine. A splash of the optional Fresca or Sprite is perfect for those who enjoy a hint more sweetness.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Drop in the fruit garnishes and enjoy. I like to squeeze one orange slice into the drink – the juice is a lovely addition – and garnish with a second.</p>
	            <div class="blog-mile6-note-section" mile6section="2">
				<div class="blog-mile6-subheader">Notes</div><div class="blog-mile6-notes"><div class="blog-mile6-note-item" mile6item=""><p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>*</strong> <strong>When buying Lambrusco</strong>, I look for a dry (secco) or barely sweet (semisecco) bottle. It’s typically located near the Prosecco, Champagne, and other sparkling wines. I often purchase <a href="https://www.regalwine.com/wine/lambrusco-nessun-dorma/">Emilio by Nessun Dorma</a>.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Tailor the flavor to taste by adding an extra splash of Aperol and/or a squeeze of a juicy orange garnish for more sweetness or a squeeze of lime for more tartness.</p>
<p style="font-weight: 400;">When serving the spritzes in warm weather, when ice melts quickly, I reduce the sparkling water to 1½ ounces so as not to have a watered-down drink.</p>
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	                The Fountain Avenue Kitchen https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/


The perfect graham cracker crust.

I also really like Ann’s Almond Flour Pie Crust, which she has had on the site for years. It was originally developed as gluten-free alternative to pudding-based or ice cream-based pies, and its nutty flavor pairs equally well with the creamy lemon pie filling.

The crumb is a bit softer than the traditional graham cracker crust, so if you are looking for that texture in a gluten-free alternative, this Gluten-Free Graham Cracker Crust will work nicely. 

Fresh, cool, and creamy lemon filling balances perfectly with a graham cracker crust (easily adapted to gluten-free!) in this easy-to-make pie that will brighten anyone's day!

Prefer individual or handheld servings? Use any of the crust options above to make a handheld version. These Mini Lemon Pies are an adorable way to adorn a dessert table.

These cool, creamy, and tart mini pies are the perfect hand-held dessert for gatherings, and can be made with a few key ingredients in advance!

Toppings can vary infinitely based on your preference, but may include this Homemade Whipped Cream, a lemon twist or zest, crushed or crumbled almonds, sprinkled crust crumbs, sliced strawberries, Blueberry Sauce, or jam. 

Fresh, cool, and creamy lemon filling balances perfectly with a graham cracker crust (easily adapted to gluten-free!) in this easy-to-make pie that will brighten anyone's day!
Fresh, cool, and creamy lemon filling balances perfectly with a graham cracker crust (easily adapted to gluten-free!) in this easy-to-make pie that will brighten anyone's day!

The next time life gives you lemons….make lemon pie!

Easy Lemon Pie
Prep Time: 8 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 28 minutes +cooling time
Yield: 8 slices
Fresh, cool, and creamy lemon filling balances perfectly with a graham cracker crust in this easy-to-make pie that will brighten anyone's day! Shave off 15 minutes by using a store-bought crust, though the homemade version provides a true star pairing here.

1.Preheat the oven to 350℉.
2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the sweetened condensed milk, lemon juice, and egg yolks.
3. When crust comes out of the oven (no need to cool), pour all of the filling into the crust. Or pour filling into pre-made crust.
4. Bake for 20 minutes or until set. The pie can wiggle a little but should be fully set.
5. Allow to cool (about an hour), and then move to the fridge to chill.
6. Before serving, top with whipped cream and optional garnishes of choice.


Both 9- and 10-inch pie plates will work in this recipe (same goes for the store-bought crusts). For the 9-inch, the filling will be quite high but fits. With a 10-inch there will be more exposed crust showing at the top. The graham cracker crusts are going to be more substantial and offer a crisp and sweet contrast to the filling. The almond crust is nuttier, and will have a softer, thinner feel. Both are great, so feel free to choose whichever crust option speaks to you!

*The average lemon yields 3 tablespoons juice, but this will vary depending on size and freshness of lemon as well as how it is juiced. A lime yields 2 tablespoons juice with the same caveats. I find it easier to de-seed the lemons before squeezing, even with a citrus squeezer.


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Tried this recipe?Post a picture on instagram and we will repost it! Mention @fountainavenuekitchen or tag #fountainavenuekitchen!
The Fountain Avenue Kitchen https://fountainavenuekitchen.com/

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    1. Emily Post author

      Thanks Mary, just noticed this and will fix immediately. It’s 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Appreciate you reaching out!
